For an unprecedented second year in row, The Erie County Fair was recognized internationally with the “Best Overall Marketing Campaign” award during the annual convention of International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE) held in San Antonio, Texas. This is only the second time in the Fair’s 181-year history that it has won the top marketing award in North America.
The Fair received the award for its 2019 advertising campaign titled, “Summerific.” The professionally judged campaign included all advertising elements including poster graphics, brochures, outdoor, television, radio, print display advertising, digital media, use of social media, website, merchandise and related promotional materials. The Erie County Fair competed in “Division 5” of the IAFE’s Hall of Honor Communication Awards which represents fairs with attendance of one million or more. These fairs include the Minnesota State Fair, New York State Fair, Wisconsin State Fair, the Canadian National Exposition, the Los Angeles County Fair and the Texas State Fair.
“The 2019 campaign embodied the dynamic, textured, fun-filled atmosphere that is uniquely the Erie County Fair, “said Erie County Fair Marketing & Brand Manager Marty Biniasz. “We created the word Summerific to describe the feeling you have when the weather is warm, the days are long and the summer just can’t get any better. It’s a place where the food tastes amazing, the music makes you dance, and everyone has a smile. It’s Summerific. It’s the Erie County Fair.”
In addition to the “Best Overall Marketing Campaign” recognition, the Erie County Fair’s marketing team received a total of 14 awards for excellence in the various communications and sponsorship categories including “Best Brochure,” “Best Electronic Newsletter,” “Best Outdoor Billboard,” “Best Social Media Campaign,” and “Best Marketing Promotional Display or Piece.”
The Erie County Fair partnered with Buffalo’s Wynne Creative Group, a nationally recognized marketing and branding firm, to develop the 2019 campaign. Wynne Creative Group has served the Erie County Fair since 2003. Wynne Creative Group specializes in design, brand development and advertising. Website design and support was provided by Saffire.
About the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE)
Based in Springfield, Mo., the IAFE is a nonprofit corporation, serving state, provincial, regional, and county agricultural fairs, shows, exhibitions, and expositions. Its associate members include state and provincial associations of fairs, non-agricultural expositions and festivals, associations, corporations, and individuals engaged in providing products and services to its members, all of whom are interested in the improvement of fairs, shows, expositions, and allied fields. The IAFE was founded in 1885 with a half dozen fairs as members. Today, over 2,500 fairs, festivals, expositions and suppliers in the United States and internationally, are members of IAFE.
About Wynne Creative Group
A nationally recognized firm headquartered in downtown Buffalo, NY. Founded in 2002, the group specializes in design, advertising, publications and brand development. The firm provides communication and marketing solutions to local, national and global businesses. Their industry experience includes hospitality, financial services, food and beverage, medical services and not-for-profits (www.WynneCreative.com).
About the Erie County Fair
The Erie County Agricultural Society is a private not-for-profit membership organization. Established in 1819, the Society is the oldest civic organization in Western New York. The mission of the Erie County Agricultural Society (ECAS), sponsors of the Erie County Fair, is to preserve and enhance, by educational endeavors, the agricultural and historical legacy of New York State. The Fair strives to fulfill appropriate aspects of the agricultural, educational, entertainment and recreational needs of Western New York. The 2020 Erie County Fair is scheduled for August 12th -23rd (www.ECFair.org).